(C) 2002. Minnesota Paranormal Study Group. All material on this site may not be reproduced without the consent of the MNPSG.

      Ghost hunting seems to be an ever growing trend in the current time. Many people are investigating the claims of the unknown on their own as many more ghost hunting and paranormal groups pop up. But do you have what it takes to actually be a well respected ghost hunter or a paranormal investigator?Here are the steps to take in order to be on your way to becoming a collegue of mine.

       First you must read anything and everything you can about the subject you wish to investigate. Make sure that this is something that interests you. Many people chose something they think would be cool to learn about and this is why many websites on the paranormal fold after the first week, so make sure it is something you have a hunger for. Maybe choose a subject in school that you always did good at such as biology, psychology, or even history.
      I chose to start with psychic abilities and then gradually worked my way into ghosts and hauntings due to the interesting stories behind the phenomena. I personally liked the fields of history and psychology when I had them in high school.

        However, do not always believe what you read or see. You must approach every case and story with a skeptical mind and always looking for the rational answer. Many people who tell you stories seek attention.
Everyone lies about a ghost story sometime in their life...including me at one time in my life.

          Second thing that is a must for a ghost hunter in progress, you should always look for cases in local history that you can visit. To get a feel for a haunting location, you must actually go to one. You should check with the owners of the property beforehand and get permission. Also follow a few more guidelines about ghost hunting before you get your gear packed for a ghost investigation. Here is a good outline of some rules that you should use when investigating a location.

1. Check history of location.

2.Get permission from the owners.

3. Walk the location in the day as not hurt yourself later on at night.

4. Check and renew equipments. (batteries in cameras, flashlights, etc.)

5. Carry Photo ID with you at all times.

6. Never discuss the details of the investigation outside of the group until analyzed.

7. No drinking, drugs, etc. (obvious reasons)

8. Do not handle the objects of property without permission.

9. No obscene or foul language. (ghosts don't like to be swore at either)

10. Be respectful. (to show professionalism and also to show respect for the spirits)

    Those are 10 good guidelines to follow. However if you wish for more, you may check out "
Ghost Hunting 101" from the Shadowlands.  My methods are a blend of various forms from various groups, however, the Shadowlands is a great template for a beginner.

    So you know that you know the basics of conduct on a site investigation, what equipment do you need? Well for here is a basic equipment list for a ghost hunter...

An EMF Detector
(ghosts are known to have a signature of an EMF signal.)

A 35 mm camera with 400 speed film.
(you need proof, don't you? 400 speed is what sports photographers use.)

Thermal device
(to measure temperature.)

Batteries, thread, pens, paper...etc.
(ghosts are known to drain batteries, break thread when placed across a doorway,
and you need pens and paper to document any bizarre incidents.)

A watch.
(have so you can document time of phenomena)

   So now you know the basics of equipment and code of conduct. What's next? How to investigate a site...

    Before investigating a site, you must send out some paper work...

Proposal to Investigate
(to ask for permission, let them know who you are.)

Interview Questions
(to interview the owners, eyewitnesses, etc.)

Ghost Hunter's Log
(fill out during investigation.)

Download a kit of Investigations Forms
Ghost and Hauntings Society

        Conduct the investigation by taking pictures of reported cold spots, randomly, and also a trivial note of saying "Flash!" before you take a picture is said to help because the spirits sometimes like to be in pictures. (Just an invitation.)

        After you do the investigation, look at the pictures you have after developing, look for various phenomena that might be spirit activity. If you get more than 3 out of 25 pictures with orbs, then it is probably dust that you have received in the environment. (unless you are on a Gettysberg battle field...)

        Report back to your cliental after you have made up a report of what you have found out to be at their location. You are a service provider (a conselor) not an eliminator. Ghost hunters provide explaination and answers to those who want to know what if their house in haunted, we are not "Ghostbusters" who eliminate spirits. (it is an impossible law of science to eliminate energy...at least in this universe.)

        There are your basic methods of ghost hunting. I am sorry that this was really a quick brush through but I do plan to revise it sometime soon.